The Shoutbox
Orange County is hilarious.... one of Jacks Blacks best roles..
I think they were doing more than just making out in Orange County, but then maybe I just have a perverted mind...
Originally Posted by Diablo
"...quick, pretend your asleep so they can make out."
Just like in Orange County
AAArgh! I was gonna go see Silver City tomorrow with my dad but the stupid theater dumped it already!
"...quick, pretend your asleep so they can make out."
BoO bOo
Half-Life 2 needs to get released already.
ok, why don't stores carry Bringing out the Dead? I guess I'll have to order it...
Mice are choking hazards for kittens...please, please, think of their esophagus.
Mmm... mouse.
Naming your mouse cheese is like naming me lasagna.

Mmmm, lasagna.