The Shoutbox

I love this site.
Can anyone please tell me if there's going to be a DVD for Alien Apocalypse? Because I don't have cable and I would totally see it in theaters, but they don't show it there, so a DVD is my only hope. Any info on that?
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

oh the things that make me want to be in an all woman's prison...
Happy St Paddys Day people.

May a cheery leprechaun rise out of your bed covers and chase you round the room with its red demon eyes and claws of death.

Top O' the Mornin to ya!
My cat's breath smells like cat food.
My cat's name is mittens.
As soon as I think I've died, I open my eyes and see another wave of caos coming up.
You only think you are.

Mwahahahahaha! *cough*

im so impressed
I'm much more than clever...I'm dastardly clever. When I get my hooks in...Mwahahahahaha...all the demons in hell can't save you!

How's THAT for ego?