The Shoutbox
30? Why is everyone always older than i think....
Piddzilla I bought my first car today... I'm 30 years old and I've never owned a car until today. Joy, joy, happy, happy....
Good for you, what did you buy?
I bought my first car today... I'm 30 years old and I've never owned a car until today. Joy, joy, happy, happy....
Hi Tea and Tatty
Good night all
Oh poodle, i'm drunked aain.
Were booked to see Manderlay at 12.30, very exciting.
Lucky bastard...
mmm, Poptarts.
Off to the BFI's London Film festival with Sisboombah tomorrow, Can't wait! Were booked to see Manderlay at 12.30, very exciting.
mmmm, McDonald's, I'm lovin' it
No worries. We needed a change from the hurling-hangover topics anyway

I think Poptart might be doing a Soulwarrior aswell - just more subtley . Shame if it's true. S/he was making some genuine-sounding comments.