The Shoutbox
Driving is fun!!!
Ha! Apparently you weren't driving in Pittsburgh HERE today:
Originally Posted by John
Driving is fun!!!
Aha!! Another potential victi....ermmm....customer.
Driving is fun!!!
I had two messages from 1970 in my message shiz'. I guess I'm a lot cooler than I already thought.
I hate home theater systems...I really do...
she's a little bit country...
Man, that is terrible. Sorry to hear about that ATG
nebbs! I need your good advice and counsel. One of my good friends, who already was putting herself in troublesome positions (i.e with boys), well, her brother died last week and today her grandfather just commited suicide. I am totally at loss at what to do. She doesn't need more reasons to be mad at life.
Thanks, Piddy! The place was a nuthouse last night driving past the downtown area after the game! We honked our horn at the intersections like everyone else.
Golg ... KITTIES! Ohhhh, KITTIES! I wuv oo.
Congrats, all you Steelers fans! I couldn't sleep last night so I ended up watching some of the game. Not much though...
Hi there Nebs. Things are ok, but my head and chest are fighting a cold. Thanks for asking.

How are you?