The Shoutbox
Hi Nebbit!
I'm closing in on position 10 of the top loudmouths. It's been my goal to get there with posting as little fluff as possible. Ah, what the hell am I thinking? Monkey!

P.S. 11 shouts to go.
Originally Posted by BobbyB
Sedai, if I give you an MP3 of 2Pac through SendSpace, would you listen to it?
What a waste of bandwidth.
Sedai, if I give you an MP3 of 2Pac through SendSpace, would you listen to it?
My parents complain about me being the only one to get movies. However, I always tell them that if they want something to tell me. They never do though.
Yeah, but mine is difficult since I have to stop and get little kids input every 3 movie I choose LOL

It tooke me, like, more than an hour.
I knew what you meant. Adding 30 at a time? Meh.
30 at once.

There's 65 up there.

It's much more difficult when I have to add 2 kids movie for every 5. My Dad makes me so that the little kids can watch something.
30 movies? That's it? Meh.
I just loaded my NetFlix list up with 30 movies.
Great, I'm glad you can be with your friends hun