The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Originally Posted by Torgo
Borderlands is taking a critical lashing I haven't seen in a while. Woof.
That’s what happens when you try to copy n’ pasta GotG.
Seems like the consensus: it's all frosting (weird characters and witty banter) and no cake (they're not worth giving a damn about and neither is the story).
MoFo paid attention to my rating for "Reversal of the Fortune" while I'm more proud for my input on "Moonlighting" which is the superior Irons film I saw this week (fr, don't miss it).
Originally Posted by Torgo
Borderlands is taking a critical lashing I haven't seen in a while. Woof.
That’s what happens when you try to copy n’ pasta GotG.
I can see that 0% on RT Isn't exactly a ringing endorsement, but I still like Cate Blanchett a lot and will see it regardless
Originally Posted by Torgo
Borderlands is taking a critical lashing I haven't seen in a while. Woof.
That's too bad. It's got a good cast and I was considering seeing it.
Borderlands is taking a critical lashing I haven't seen in a while. Woof.
What kind of sandwich?
VERDICT: I need a sandwich
VERDICT: 12 Angry Men are... guilty! All 12 of 'em!
Always amusing to see people saying VERDICT before giving a rating/final thought on a movie in review. Are they freaking judges?