The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by MovieGal
My cat keeps looking at the screen when he sees Catwoman.
Well naturally, Catwoman is the hero all cats worship... right?
My cat keeps looking at the screen when he sees Catwoman.
Artistic choices are best left to the filmmakers
Let me ask you this..would it have drawn more people if they had to read subtitles for both German and Slavic dialog?

I know many people who hate subtitles. My friend Becky, who I qatch movies on Friday night, is legally blind. She can see a large movie screen but she can't see a film with subtitles.

When we watch movies, either I or her other half, have to read subs to her.
In his Dracula movie, Coppola had a British actor doing a Romanian accent and two American stars trying to do a British accent.
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Originally Posted by MovieGal
One thing I give Eggers a huge thumbs up, was his representation of Slavic people and culture.

I have studied them.
But why did characters who're supposed to be German sound so British?
Yes, there is that fault. There are parts that they spoke German but you are right.
Originally Posted by MovieGal
One thing I give Eggers a huge thumbs up, was his representation of Slavic people and culture.

I have studied them.
But why did characters who're supposed to be German sound so British?
One thing I give Eggers a huge thumbs up, was his representation of Slavic people and culture.

I have studied them.
By the way, Mr Minio sounds like a vampire.
Originally Posted by MovieGal
Two things that go hand in hand

Evil and Erotica

Insanity and Intelligence
Popcorn and Coca-Cola
Two things that go hand in hand

Evil and Erotica

Insanity and Intelligence