The Shoutbox
Sorry, I get so used to people on here misinterpreting my soh that I tend to now try and read my shouts from different angles. Bit of a pain if the doorbell rings and I'm in a convoluted position but c'est la vie I guess.

Glad you're on the winning side.

p.s. We did have pizza and alcohol back in the 1990s too
Didn’t look that way to me at all, and I’m pretty much part of it. Anyway, trust me that it’s changed rather drastically since then. First thing I did after the court broke for lunch was get drunk and eat a pizza. Even though my client is winning so far.
Re-read it and didn't want anyone to think I was mocking the court system with my sense of humour. Early 1990s I lived in London.
Why did the last shout get deleted? When did you live in London? I wouldn’t have gone to RCJ if I wasn’t working in litigation tbh, it’s not obvious that one can just turn up.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Oooo, sounds like fun - is it ticket only for the strip-searches or can anyone turn up?
Actually where I am is open to the public, so yeah, anyone can turn up. And fun indeed
Oooo, sounds like fun - is it ticket only for the strip-searches or can anyone turn up?
Got pretty much strip-searched in the Royal Courts of Justice, where I’m meant to be observing proceedings for a client. Post-lockdown vibes already, heh.
Superglue your arse to a chair mon ami!
Home. Again. hopefully no more trips for a while.
I miss Robbie McEwen. I still have the a vivid memory of him winning a stage that he was all but written off from winning because of a wreck. It was the most impressive performance by a sprinter I have ever seen. And I was so pumped by it that I jumped up and threw my hand right into the running ceiling fan in the kitchen.
There are definitely teams out there without their sprinters at this point, but I don't recall how much damage got done on day 1 in that regard...