The Shoutbox
he was definitely cop-pentent.
I'm guessing copper wanted to take the suspect out and came up with an excuse as to why he pulled his weapon after he failed. Either that or he is a complete incompetent. We can speculate all day, but something is fishy.
Gives new meaning to ham and swiss cheese.
There was a handcuffed, unarmed suspect sitting in the cruiser, and the guy (and perhaps also his partner?) emptied his entire clip into his own cruiser. Because no one was injured, the bodycam footage of the incident is hilarious to watch. The guy is doing combat rolls yelling "I'm hit, I'm hit!!!" while he puts his own car on blast.
And I'm sure he hit everything but what he was aiming at, yeah?
lol, I hope no chipmunks got hit..
Speaking of shooters...

"Florida deputy fires weapon after mistaking sound of acorn hitting patrol car for gunshot"
"My shooters carry two 4 5s like a quarter to three”
Originally Posted by John McClane
now who got the Zig and who got the Zag?
Nice one. Thanks for sharing.
we shall call him Kolt45

now who got the Zig and who got the Zag?
If this doesn't become a meme here, I lost all my faith in MoFos.