The Shoutbox
Happy October everyone!
i imagine everyone coming back in the end was a clone created by Bowie's Tesla Machine, before being dropped into a vat of water to die again.

tragic movie, but a great angier =\
Oh God, that movie gave me nightmares
man. i'm disappointed. i totally read that user name as "megalo - cate" i expected a female rock biter =\

(also, i guess i can't reads good no more)
What's up widdat? what's up with THAT!?

(for cap'n steel)

so, correct me if i'm wrong, but i totally pronounce that al-AYE-bee. mostly because it's just funner to say. and yes, i do say your userNames out loud. a lot.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Just enough time for 60! Stay up late, call into work. Do whatever needs to be done!
i don't even think i could do what allaby has accomplished, but if netflix made an eternal series i would probably die before i knew it!