The Shoutbox
Hating eyeballs? Isn’t that what DMT is for?
Originally Posted by John McClane
someone who hates their eyeballs
I had a bit the other day about the left hand hating the right hand. It all started when I began swinging clubs one-handed and hit the best…nobody cares.
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
It wasn't me! I never even seen WWW.
Consider yourself pretty darn lucky!
It wasn't me! I never even seen WWW.
someone who hates their eyeballs
Still curious to know which mofo voted for it in the Western countdown.
It's tolerable. I've seen worse.
Yes, it really is.
Wild Wild West wasn't that bad.
Originally Posted by John McClane
I'm really glad Wild Wild West got made. I can't imagine The Matrix with Will Smith as Neo.
Yeah, but we were stuck with WWW.
Originally Posted by Torgo
Originally Posted by doubledenim
It was almost a complete waste of time to sit in class after 12h overnights. Live and learned (pronunced “Lyvyve n’ Lurnydyd”).
Welsh is a hard language to learn. Glad you got through it.
It came with the Neuralink.