The Shoutbox
buddy of mine loves him and i had to leave his house early every time he tried to show me a video. like, bro, this is the same damn thing you showed me last time. “bruh, this is totally different”
Originally Posted by John McClane
as long as you don't play anything by Marc Rebillet i will come to your birthday party
Gimme some perfect albums to listen to when sad.
as long as you don't play anything by Marc Rebillet i will come to your birthday party
you mean the wish version of McLovin?
AS A KID I played with Barbies like any normal child, i.e. I made them torture each other while jerking off. Happy memories: stripping them down to their hard plastic bodies and perfect blank groins, the way they smiled through their suffering. Inferior to rag dolls in their ability to be ****ed and/or loved, and lacking the range and design of the Playmobil object world, they nonetheless had their charms. You could behead them and their heads just kept smiling.
Ari M. Brostoff scares me.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Originally Posted by Sir Toose
So in the 3-ish years since I was last here, there appears to be a Mofo hush policy on politics?
Yep. We held out a long, long time, but it became clear it was the only way the site would continue to exist as, primarily, a movie discussion site.
couldn't have come at a worse time, too. or better time depending on your leanings.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
The real lessons we learn from school.
all i heard when a teacher told me not to do something was "challenge accepted"
So say we all!
Originally Posted by Sir Toose
So in the 3-ish years since I was last here, there appears to be a Mofo hush policy on politics?
Plus, a 9-year gap on Grilling a MoFo. Looks like you were the last one to do it.
Originally Posted by Sir Toose
So in the 3-ish years since I was last here, there appears to be a Mofo hush policy on politics?
Yep. We held out a long, long time, but it became clear it was the only way the site would continue to exist as, primarily, a movie discussion site.