The Shoutbox
Well, when 1,000 people work 15 hours a day, one of them is bound to make something outstanding. Kinda explains why they made so many amazing movies.
the Japanese would say you were late for work and then ask why you quit too early
How can Muricans work 9-5? 5 is so late to finish work.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Gay. They put a lot of gay in it.
Now that both ballots are in, I need to get crackin' on the remaining Best Picture noms...
Gay. They put a lot of gay in it.
Don't know what they put in Bud Light, but it's more the barley, rice, hops and water.
it’s not the typical 9-5, man. there’s benefits
And work for the government?
No way man, no way!
life would be easier as a bird. you could eat crumbs in the parking lot, and fly to warm weather when it gets cold.
Originally Posted by SpelingError
He already is overweight. He just wants to keep getting fatter. I feel like he's fetishizing obesity and wants me to participate in it.
Looks like somebody just finished
season 7 of Sunny.