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life would be easier as a bird. you could eat crumbs in the parking lot, and fly to warm weather when it gets cold.

Originally Posted by SpelingError
He already is overweight. He just wants to keep getting fatter. I feel like he's fetishizing obesity and wants me to participate in it.
season 7 of Sunny.

Originally Posted by SpelingError
He already is overweight. He just wants to keep getting fatter. I feel like he's fetishizing obesity and wants me to participate in it.

He already is overweight. He just wants to keep getting fatter. I feel like he's fetishizing obesity and wants me to participate in it.

Originally Posted by SpelingError
One of my friends has a goal where he's trying to gain as much fat as possible but he also wants me to give him encouragement to do so. I don't feel comfortable with this though as I feel I'd be giving him encouragement to do something unhealthy to himself. Do you guys think my discomfort here is valid?