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The Shoutbox

I wonder what eating nitrate film does to your digestive system, and, could anyone really chew it into swallowable pieces?

Originally Posted by Wyldesyde19
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Oh wow. I’m actually into someone for the first time in a decade.

Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Oh wow. I’m actually into someone for the first time in a decade.

Okay that last shout sent me down a bit of a Mofo rabbit hole. First I went to the end (or start) of the shoutbox to see the first shouts.Checked on the last activity of some OG members. Clicked on Sir Toose and saw one of his last shouts was about politics being banned. Didn't know about that but yeah it makes sense since it's not insane here haha. So then I went to look in Movie Forum Site Stuff thinking Yoda had made an announcement or something. Couldn't find that but found a thread from a newer user asking about Sexy Celebrity, and then well the rest is history. SC should come back.

Originally Posted by spudracer
Feliz Navidad - Means Merry Christmas in Spanish.