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Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Not sure if genuine or sarcastic but to be honest, most people are like that. Way more than care to admit it anyway. They experiment, end up disappointed and then conclude they just hate sex or are asexual. I think most just need a relationship based on love and trust with sex being just a part of it. Now, i don't know if any of that fits you but still worth saying, O guess.

Not sure if genuine or sarcastic but to be honest, most people are like that. Way more than care to admit it anyway. They experiment, end up disappointed and then conclude they just hate sex or are asexual. I think most just need a relationship based on love and trust with sex being just a part of it. Now, i don't know if any of that fits you but still worth saying, O guess.

Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Maybe you just need to sleep with somebody you love. Quite normal if you ask me and not asexual.

Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Originally Posted by Wyldesyde19
I feel Agrippina and Minio are talking about 2 vastly different things.

Originally Posted by Wyldesyde19
I feel Agrippina and Minio are talking about 2 vastly different things.

Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Not sleeping with people doesn't mean you're asexual, but yeah, it's cool to be alone.