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Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Wow, Flow was actually good? Looks too much like a video game but really neat apart from that!

Originally Posted by LostInSauce
If I don't feel a change, then I'm gonna leave her.

Originally Posted by ynwtf
so.(starting this with "so" for those that love it) I've been out of pocket lately. my apologies if I've come off rude to any of my special wumshkins. sowwy that I've not been hoppin' round the strawcherry forest with everyone lately.
holiday time was cray cray, all over the place. this is the first week back in office too, so been busy. I hope you all had a great new year transition, be safe, stay warm, etc., etc.
Imma jump around the board for a minute and pee in a few corners to remind people I'm alive now.
holiday time was cray cray, all over the place. this is the first week back in office too, so been busy. I hope you all had a great new year transition, be safe, stay warm, etc., etc.
Imma jump around the board for a minute and pee in a few corners to remind people I'm alive now.

so.(starting this with "so" for those that love it) I've been out of pocket lately. my apologies if I've come off rude to any of my special wumshkins. sowwy that I've not been hoppin' round the strawcherry forest with everyone lately.
holiday time was cray cray, all over the place. this is the first week back in office too, so been busy. I hope you all had a great new year transition, be safe, stay warm, etc., etc.
Imma jump around the board for a minute and pee in a few corners to remind people I'm alive now.
holiday time was cray cray, all over the place. this is the first week back in office too, so been busy. I hope you all had a great new year transition, be safe, stay warm, etc., etc.
Imma jump around the board for a minute and pee in a few corners to remind people I'm alive now.

After much consideration, I shall proceed as follows. I shall have a frank conversation with her. If I don't feel a change, then I'm gonna leave her.