Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
Are political threads allowed? Haven't seen one so I'm assuming they're off limits.
The wife and I are going to see the new Bad Boys film tonight. I'm a little skeptical seeing it only received mixed reviews. I really enjoyed the original but man they've gone downhill ever since.
Off of work until the 21st!
But 50 bucks never killed anyone!
the greatest scam perpetuated against the American public is the car dealership.
Originally Posted by Galactic Traveler
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Apologize for not being on the forum recently but have been swamped at work. Looking forward to getting back in the saddle. Miss this place and you fine folks.
We appreciate you visiting the puny Earth after travelling the Eye of God.
Sobering up to the fact that I wasn’t the first person to come up with ChewAnon.
I would still be stuck in SWG if they hadn't shut it down.
I think the game that took me the longest time to complete is Morrowind at 7 years. It's huge, obviously, and then there's all those cliff racers.
Originally Posted by Galactic Traveler
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Apologize for not being on the forum recently but have been swamped at work. Looking forward to getting back in the saddle. Miss this place and you fine folks.
Howdy! Good to see you again GT.
I thought of you when I saw that trailer!