The Shoutbox
Oh wow
no, it's just that cold outside.
Is the heater not working
sitting at my desk wearing a balaclava over a trapper hat. can't remove them until i've reached equilibrium temperature.
Originally Posted by solubledenim

Originally Posted by Mr Minio
So have you guys already seen Emilia Perez?
I like it's ideas (an international musical featuring cartel) more than its execution (juvenile and ugly-looking you could say)... but the degree of hate it's receiving is a little unfair. baity yes but at least it did something wacko.
Originally Posted by Wyldesyde19
If you’ve seen it, what were your thoughts?
Total garbage
I haven't. A friend liked it but said he's not surprised trans people find it offensive.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
So have you guys already seen Emilia Perez?
Not yet but I aim too in the next month or so. If you’ve seen it, what were your thoughts?
So have you guys already seen Emilia Perez?
The fact that Leone and Tarkovsky didn't get to make ten films each bums me out.