The Shoutbox
Widescreen VHS was fun
Couldn’t take the VHS movies. Doesn’t matter if they were THX, widescreen (you knew people that complained about the black bars) gems that had been “removed” from Suncoast Video. Can’t do it.

The only VHS I have are the original trilogy, just in case they try to act like they don’t exist one day.
what tape should be the maiden voyage?

The Lost World
woohoo! VCR works, baby! hifi grain galore!
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Creed & Creed
no, i was trying to write crap. and i misspelled it
Some days I miss my Beta collection
Creed & Creed
psht, you underestimate my childhood labeling habits.

for instance, i had boxes labeled creep. i’ll give you two guesses what i meant to spell
Be careful playing those tapes with the blacks wheels and no label

If you don’t see any of those, forget I even brought it up!
Originally Posted by John McClane
i’m getting the old family collection of tapes. here’s to hoping i can find the pokémon recordings i made during soccer camp
Sounds like fun!