The Shoutbox
The magic of Taco Night. I should send invitations out next time.
MM has. He's written on of his exhaustive reviews, too.
Has anyone seen Everest yet?
Originally Posted by The Rodent
What is it with MoFos and fingers?
I broke mine last week too.
Let's hope there's not a MoFo finger curse. I really need those guys.
You'd think with all the typing we'd take better care of them.
Originally Posted by The Rodent
What is it with MoFos and fingers?
I broke mine last week too.
I'm gonna keep an extra careful eye on mine from now on.
What is it with MoFos and fingers?
I broke mine last week too.
Finger got smashed by a softball last night. It's purplish and noticeably bigger than the other one. Goodtimes.
Originally Posted by Nope1172
Quick question; If I were to start up my B-Movie HoF now would you join, or are there too many open and active HoFs at this time?
I'm interested in joining that one but with the 8th HoF, the Doc HoF, the Doc Countdown and preparing my own Top100, I will be way too busy the next 3 months!
First review for about 6 weeks is up...
Originally Posted by Swan
Originally Posted by Nope1172
Quick question; If I were to start up my B-Movie HoF now would you join, or are there too many open and active HoFs at this time?
I'd say wait. There are a lot of HoF's right now and someone in those who might want to join that, like myself, won't be able to due to already being overloaded with movies.
That was exactly what I was thinking, I'll wait for the other ones to die down and then I will start it up