Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
Yeah, it is cool. Remarkably cool. Though it's not totally my creation; I built the house, but it's the people inside everyone's there for.

Yes, excellent smilie...the furious devil. Cool stuff. I'm having a blast adding smilies.
What program do you use to animate them?
Eh...it's alright...a quick little creation but it gets the message across...
I like him even better... thanks Spud!
It must be cool to have so many addicted to your creation... says great stuff about you T. Test>>>
"I'm a MoFo, You're a MoFo yada yada yada yada ya"
Hmmm, interesting. I wonder if I can find one...

Yep, you're a MoFo, alright. It cracks me up that a lot of people reading this could vey well think we're actually insulting each other here.

Noticed you've taken a liking to that devil smilie, too.
Count me in. I tried to leave several times... I'm just a MoFo. We need a theme song.
Yep. Cooooooool. I almost want to laugh at how ya'll are do addicted; but not in a mean way.
It's a record day today. 24 active users and 45 users altogether.
I'm staring at my copy of A.I. right now wishing I was at home...