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It's extremely difficult to have a house with guns in it, that is both safe for children and that has the guns so accessible that one can defend themselves well.
The problem with having the second amendment today is that when it was written, it was all about forming a militia in case we needed to overthrow a tyranical governement. That was fine when it was muskets vs. muskets, but rifles and pistols vs. jet fighters and tanks is a different story.
The problem with having the second amendment today is that when it was written, it was all about forming a militia in case we needed to overthrow a tyranical governement. That was fine when it was muskets vs. muskets, but rifles and pistols vs. jet fighters and tanks is a different story.

Since when is that true? I'm pretty sure you've got to undergo testing, at least around here. I don't think you can just walk around and buy one on a whim. There's a background check, evaluation of some sort, etc.
I don't think that violence is there because of guns. Criminals in this country WILL have guns. There is no way around that. The only question is whether we (meaning law-abiding citizens) we should be allowed to carry them, too.
I just don't dig the logic...why not get rid of cars? They kill tons of people each year, and we don't NEED them. Just like you don't NEED to defend your house if someone breaks in in the middle of the night.
I don't think that violence is there because of guns. Criminals in this country WILL have guns. There is no way around that. The only question is whether we (meaning law-abiding citizens) we should be allowed to carry them, too.
I just don't dig the logic...why not get rid of cars? They kill tons of people each year, and we don't NEED them. Just like you don't NEED to defend your house if someone breaks in in the middle of the night.

but a lot of that violence your talking about is there beacuse of guns. I don't know satistics but I do know whenever I put the U. S. news almost half the time it's gun related. There should be no guns but that impossible I know this, only a hope. it maybe be a deterrent but the person there deterring it from also has a gun. and that how innocent people get hurt or killer. what else scares me is that you can own a gun but you as a person don't have to pass any test or go threw any gun safty drills. Man that really scares me.

Yeah, I'll increase it to 180 seconds...
Why add to it? When used correctly (as they are by millions upon millions of Americans every day), guns can serve as an amazing deterrent. People's lives are saved by their guns every single day in this country. The violence is there, period. It always will be. So, we need to be able to defend ourselves...against what's there, and what might show up later.
Like I always say: I'll revert to the Founding Fathers on this one. I think they knew what they were doing.
Why add to it? When used correctly (as they are by millions upon millions of Americans every day), guns can serve as an amazing deterrent. People's lives are saved by their guns every single day in this country. The violence is there, period. It always will be. So, we need to be able to defend ourselves...against what's there, and what might show up later.
Like I always say: I'll revert to the Founding Fathers on this one. I think they knew what they were doing.

Heston isn't the man,man I guess I just don't beileve in people should have the right to bare arms. I don't know why americans are so gung ho over it,it never made sense to me. there's already enough violeance in the world why add to it.

No one should use his fame or standing to advance a cause? That's, uh, whack.
By that logic no politican should put forth a bill. Exactly how far is that ideal taken?
Heston's the man, man.

Heston's the man, man.

If only I could write good like you guys, I could discuss gun laws and chuck ****** Heston with ya aaaaahhh one of the things that puts me off with that guy no person should use his persona to further causes like Gun Laws what an ass