It's funny looking at old threads especially when you're just starting out here. Have any of you gone back and taken a look at your first post? You can do so by looking at your profile and clicking on the Detailed Stats.
[quote=spudracer]It's funny looking at old threads especially when you're just starting out here. Have any of you gone back and taken a look at your first post? You can do so by looking at your profile and clicking on the Detailed Stats.[/quote]
I'm not pissed at any of you guys anymore...but I still reserve some fire for our annoying little friend, Silver B. I can't wait until he gets online.
[quote=sadesdrk]I'm not pissed at any of you guys anymore...but I still reserve some fire for our annoying little friend, Silver B.:furious: I can't wait until he gets online.:D[/quote]