The Shoutbox
It's NI...The Knights who say Ni
"Bad, evil, naughty Zoot. She has set alight the beacon, which, I just remembered, is Grail-shaped."

You mean you didn't like the giant bunny they were going to use to get into the castle?
"oh wicked awful Zoot"
It's can you say it's not?

Granted, some parts of it are a tad slow and odd, but for the most part, it's a great movie. s
MOST of it? Why not ALL of it?
Wow, you went that long without it? I guess I shouldn't talk, I finally saw Citizen Kane yesterday.

Beck is reasonably cool...but hopelessly geeky. Some geeks look good anyway, I think...but I'm sorry, Beck, to me, looks like a starved orphan. He's a talented guy though, no doubt.
Then you're not unique...
Beck is so much better than his singles...ah well, it's my little private indulgence...I hate when everybody loves my music anyways
I feel like i'm working for Warner Brothers and Fox. I am going out and telling people to watch Moulin Rouge and The Shawshank Redemption.
Naw, never heard that. I haven't listened to Beck since Loser and Two Turn Tables, or whatever their official titles were.