The Shoutbox
And look, I got up in plenty of time and I ain't hungover niether.

Remember: alcohol, kids, is your friend.
I actually understand about the whole anything sounds good when you're drunk thing.

Anything sounds appealing too.
Take kidnapping a sheet with large wooden sticks and an extension cord, putting it in a rowboat and let it out to sea.

Been there, done that.
See, when you're already drunk, just about anything sounds good.That's why I used to kep Olympia Beer around. Complete *****, costs about $3.00 for a CASE back in my drinkin' days (late '80s/early '90s), but if you were already loaded, what possible difference could quality make? I feel for the Winos drinkin' Night Train or rubbing alcohol, man.

Same thing applies to un-chilled Vodka. Normally I wouldn't touch it, but when you're already drunk, why the fu*k not?

Unfortunately, I'm coming down now. I really must go to slepp while the world is still spinning, at least a little. The remaining vodka is now in the freezer, so the next time I hunker for a hunk o' drunk, I'll be set.
Appealing? Room temperature vodka?

Man, you're stoned.

Have you ever been drubk, Kid? No pill in the world will help, even if there was such athing as a "chill pill".

I'm trying to drink as much H2O as possible before I crash, because thatis one of those drinking myths that seems to pay-off:imbibe as much water as possible to counteract hangover.

But I've got to got to work either way, so it hardly matters.


The good news is I'm out of Wine, and I'm out if chilled vodka. I have more vodka, but it's room temperature. I'm not THAT drunk anymore that warm vodka sounds appealing.
Take some sort of pill.
"Stars shining bright above you
night breezes seem to whisper, 'I love you'
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of meeeeee..."

That's right, it's come to The Mommas & The Poppas. Fer God's sake, let me fall to sleep already!
WIGGUM: Where's that guy who, uh, eats people's faces?

CONVICT: I'm right here Cheif
And damn, I just counted them - it is fourteen consecutive shouts.

On the other hand, where were you people?!? I can't bare all the resposibility.

Well you have a nice rest of the evening and I hope you manage to stumble to your bed, couch, or whatever you choose to sleep on alright.

I don't want to be the Ladies Man so much as I want to be one particular lady's man. Unfortunately, she's very stubborn. I suppose calling her drunk doesn't really help, but as nothing much seems to, what the Hell...