The Shoutbox
Okay... here he is
Toosie!!! Bring Wolfie back. I miss him!

There was a big bright full moon last night. I couldn't help but think about the fuzzy thing.
I have to agree with you there! Then again, I'm biased.
But it looks better spelled "Austruck"...

But it looks better spelled "Austruck"...

Geez, now I've got Slay and Caitlyn misspelling "awestruck." My work is never done....
Hello to all the wierd guests! Strange unknowns hanging around!

Well I wish everyone a good day!

Haven't seen reloaded yet but I have to work so my boss can go see it, next weekend!
Actually I'm not to sad about it as I think it was only the special effects that held me last time because they were new, I don't think I was that interested int he story!

We'll see....
Hello, to no one as no one is here. Except hidden Holden. Hey, that sounds like a good movie title!
In some ways, yes…
Anyone else dissappointed with Reloaded?
Alright, I was just perusing the member's list and noticed under detailed stats, it lists what rank you are post-wise. Silver's 4th, Cat's 13th, Holden's 9th. I'm 10th, and Yoda's 2nd. Yoda averages 10 posts a day, and he's 2nd! Who the HELL could be first!!!???