The Shoutbox
for my first shout,

in the words of Robin Williams

"Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Moring Vietnaaaaaaaam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
'ello Mate!
Dog's Ballocks*sic :
Something that is patently obvious.
Esp. "Sticks out like a Dog's Ballocks"
being that a woodchuck is small, Id say there would be a lot of chucking going on after a few shots...
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck..If a woodchuck could drink whisky?
Just a few of Homer's famous MMMmmm's -

Mmmm... Crumbled-up Cookie Things

Mmmm... Elephant Fresh

Mmmm... Fattening

Mmmm... Free Goo

Mmmm... Mediciney

Mmmm... Organized Crime

Mmmm... Pi

Mmmm... Slanty

Mmmm... Snouts

Mmmm... Something

Mmmm... Turbulent

Mmmm... Unexplained Bacon

Mmmm... Urinal Fresh

Mmmm... Various Eggs
Good mornin' Good mornin'! We've talked the whole night through, Good mornin' Good mornin' to you.
Good morning folks
Keir Dullea, gone tommorrow.
I miss the 2001 actors of yesteryear.
Originally Posted by Garrett
Are the **** good or bad?
Oh, **** are good.