The Shoutbox
Oh, and thanks OG-. But I already know Mr. Exclamation Point and Mr. Capital Letter. I was asking about Mr. Apostrophe. Who didn't seem to attend that tutorial, which I obviously needed.
My, this is facinating teaching fifth grade punctuation rules!
yeh. so wot if im a dum-ass!!!11
Directors Guild of America

If it were Director's Guild, that would imply a single director, which would be at odds with the term guild. Directors', with the apostrophe after the s would denote possession for the group.

But it is Directors Guild of America.

My, this is facinating teaching fifth grade punctuation rules!
By the by, an apostrophe on the end of MoFo does not pluralize it, it makes it possessive.
Speaking of apostrophes, which is it: Director's Guild or Directors Guild?
"He left a note. He left a simple little note that said "I've gone out the window." This is a major intellectual and he leaves a note that says "I've gone out the window." He's a role-model. You'd think he'd leave a decent note."
"Would it have killed her to leave a note?"
"Deadwood" has risen to the rank of best drama on television. David Milch is a genius.
I know which one I want you to be too.

By the by, an apostrophe on the end of MoFo does not pluralize it, it makes it possessive.
i been thinking about the different kinds of mofo's. There are the obscure ones, the lurkers and small noobs. Not well known, but here all the same. There are the retirees, the ones that gave up for one reason or another, and are gone for good. And then there the main Mofo's, the well-defined, well-known people that have a specific identity here and won't be forgotten. I know which category i want to be in.
"What if I'm wrong? I've got a condition. I get confused sometimes. What if I've imagined all this? What if I've finally turned into what they've always said I would turn into? A maniac. A psycho killer. "