The Shoutbox
ANNIE! ! !
Well I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never, ever, ever, ever let you forget you're a man.

That's how I roll.
For Holden (singing):
"I log myself into the MoFo...
Click the link with my mouse...
I'm also reading Atonement...
While I'm vacuuming the whole house...
Because I'm a Woman,
I just started One for the Money by Janet Evanovich the other day. It's getting passed around the family.
Yes, Holden. I am just that good.
I'm still wading slowly through Half-Blood Prince. Been a crazy coupla weeks here and haven't had much truly "down" time to myself for light reading. I hope to be done by the end of summer at this rate! (sigh)
Just finished up William Gibson's Neuromancer (before I started typing on the internet). Now I must track down Gibson's Count Zero.
goodnight all.
Originally Posted by voneil7
I'm reading Atonement by Ian McEwan right now.
As you're typing on the internet? Wow, that IS impressive.
I'm reading Atonement by Ian McEwan right now.
Reading The Maltese Falcon.