The Shoutbox
Ouch, Blibb! Damn the man! Someone of Satan's stooges has sunk its claws into me as well. After having owned a car for six days I received my first parking ticket. That together with lots of other unexpected expenses is making my life a bit spartan at the moment.

I haven't read any posts by Solarius king of the sun or even seen him around here. But, banned or not banned, that is one hell of a username....
I got TMP and Red 9 upgraded as much as i can atm. Done a bit of work on the revolver which sounds like a mistake. Guess i'm buying the treasure map as well to make up the money lost on the Beerstein. Anything else i should know?
Ummm, You wanted to wait until you had 3 catseyes embedded in the stein, but o well, you just lose a few thousand. You should already have the headdress by now too, get that treasure map and make sure you didn't miss any stars. I put 3 catseye in the stein and 3 gems in the headdress AND I have an extra gem, so I assume there are more mountables to come. I am about 3 hours ahead of you I think. The treasure in the gigante lane is hidden well, in the same area the two treasure shacks are in. Look up!
Also... Don;t put too much cake into upgrading any of the early guns except the TMP, wait until you open up the better stuff. I recommend the Red-9 pistol, The Riot Shotgun, and the TMP for weaps, and I like to snipe, but the ammo is scarce. I have stayed with the first level sniper rifle, and the power is fine, but it is quite slow. The handgun AND the supposedly good Punisher pistols both stink, big time. Unlock the punisher and sell it immediately, then sell your base handgun and grab the Red-9 and upgrade it as much as you can (especially capacity and firepower).
Yeah, i was hesitant to go back for El, but found some more ammo so going to give him a whirl. I tried combining the Ruby with the Headdress but it won't work and i combined the catseye with the Beerstein and sold that. How far behind you am i? I'm not going to my lectures cuz i'm so addicted lol.
Pyro, hate to say it, but you should do both routes, to get all the treasure and cash. I did El Gigante first, went through and got all the loot and unlocked the door at the end, then ran back and did the chainsaw sister area. Each route has a big treasure hidden in it, I think both are gems you can mont in the beerstein or the the treasure map from the vendor, it is a must... Also, Gigante gives you 15k, so fight and kill them whenever you can...
Scrub that Sed, done it
I've reached the part where i can either fight El Gigante or the chainsaw sisters. I've only really been trying the latter though.

And Yoda, i hope one of the changes is removing that annoying 'shoot the paparazzi' ad. The incessant 'clicking' noise does my head in when posting....
Sorry for the intermitten server problems, MoFos. Should be back to normal now. Expect some slight changes later today, too.
It is actually 10:30 AM!! I am here to help! Where are you stuck?
Gonna see Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang tonight.