The Shoutbox
Foul in the Shoutbox! Too many shouts!
Lorenzo-ooooooh's llamas!!
That's a cap I. Not a lowercase l.
Could be the beer typing. Not sure yet. Might have to migrate over to the other thread.
Iama part
So we just going full on conspiracy on this ticket?

Have you had your equipment checked recently? This story seems like it’s missing a few parts
All tha...small things
Pretty impressive I went four years in this car without getting pulled over/ticketed, tho. Everyone said I was going to get speeding tickets like mad.
I wish.

I currently have 5 points on my license, which is the max you can have, and you earn 1 point for every year you go without any incidents. If they want my points they can take them from my cold dead shifter hand.