The Shoutbox
Austruck is 27? Aus, what are you doing Saturday night?

Yeah, when you first play it seems tedious and silly, but then... much fun!
Chris, hahahaha. My first mention in the glossary! Noice!

Adi, DotA is a free, fun as hell mod for Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. If you happen to have War3, I recommend checking it out.
what the hell is DotA?
I feel so eternal.
Yep, you're 30. My friggin' mom is 27. That's how long you've been here.
Am I really 30? Man, I get better every time people talk about me!
Seriously. Look at his User ID: 30. I've been trying to get him to leave for years, but he won't take a hint. He's like a stray dog I fed once and won't stop coming back.
Oh, I'll be here. I'm always here...
I shall hang about after the credits! Peter, let's get down woith some DotA this eve...prob about 8-12 EST...