The Shoutbox
Happy Anniversary, Holden! Let's hope you stick around for another five!

Holds, 5th Anniversary is the most important one! (Well until your tenth but no one ever makes it to that anniverssary due to the nature of 8th Anniversary - Plutonium ) Its not wood, its The Silver Tampon Anniversary! Five years! Congratulations! May you stick around five years longer....well only if you have your own bio-suit.
I don't really need any furniture. Some antique bookends would be nice.
I believe the fifth anniversay is wood, yeah?
"My animal deserves a lotta lovin'."
Dwight Shrute
The Office
Who's on first, what's on second and I don't know's on third.
Abbott and Costello were two of the greatest comedians of our time!!! You must go HERE to seize a piece of history. Now, you can certainly read what it's all about but, you MUST listen to the audio clip or watch the video HERE .

And by idiots I meant when they read the entire skit off my shirt.
Blib gots them smarts real good!
I actually have no idea who Abbott and Costello are, and i have no idea what "Whose on first" means. And im no idiote. I tie my owne shoeses.
Yes people...stop shirting! Shirt all of you! Damn you Connery!
Speaking of who's on first. I wore my Abbott and Costello t-shirt today. I hate it when people shirt their and read the entire back of my shirt though. In class I hear them going "who's on first?" behind me. And then they're like huh and ask me to explain. Idiots.