The Shoutbox
You know how things go on here Chris. Goes from G to NC-17 in no time.
Somehow, defying all logic, the level of discourse in the Shoutbox just reached a new low.
Sounds Grrrrrrrrrrr-reat!
How bout bears givinig tigers handjobs?? That would make a nice one for the Discovery Channel...or Animal Planet.
Tigers. We need more tigers.
You mean there aren't as many handjobs and high-speed car chases anymore? How did it used to be exciting?
I am really looking forward to it....
Day-um! 10 out of 10 reviews?

All of a sudden I'm a little more excited to see it.
So, far, RT has The Departed clocking in at 100% positive reviews...
Have fun Bliblo!
No i am not.

I am at work.

The sun is shining outside.

And tonight.....with the wind in my hair, and the sun on my face, and a hop in my step...I...AM...GOING....