The Shoutbox
Holden is trying to pick on me, but his arguments are assanine. I haven't mentioned the movie as much as he says.
Holden's shouts always give you that warm and fuzzy feeling, don't they? I just love when he picks on people ... as long as it ain't me!
Hahaha! Never a dull moment.
Yes, clearly it's me who is the tiresome one.

Look at that! It's the point! No, wait; it's gone again.

Holden, your act is becoming tiresome.
By the by, Bobby, if you go back and delete shouts after you've made them you're really working backwards as far as getting to the top ten and all.
Not everything has to be a zinger, Holden. Why can't I ask a simple question without sarcams being involved?
I was going to post that last shout one word at a time in a million little shouts, but that wouldn't be right. It'd be like I was padding the shoutbox or something...

Or something.
Somebody stop this man before he posts again.

Holden, apparently your enter key is stuck. Might want to have a look at that.
Ouch. Good zinger.
Do you not have anything better to do, Holds?