The Shoutbox
Vonnegut up, boy!
No, but no school is fun.
Ice Nine
Is ICE fun then?
Well, I woke up to no ice. They changed it to only 2 hours of ice. And I don't even think we'll get that.
My cat is all sorts of fuzzy...
And what with all those twirling rifles around... doesn't bear thinking about
Golgot, yeah, it would have been spectacular, but also very expensive to replace the bugle, the uniform, and the bugler after every performance.
We did all our errands yesterday too. I'm glad I have nowhere to go and enough freelancing to keep me busy.
a bugling soloist marched in place playing a wailing fire siren note up and down
I missed out the 'siren' bit when i read this and thought he was somehow playing fire in and out of his bugle. That woulda been extra spectacular
I will go food shopping this eve... I bet it will be a zoo!