The Shoutbox
I don't want to date white girls, is that racist?
You won't get rep points that way.

I just found a GIANT stash of hot cocoa in the kitchen up here at work. Yummy.
Hi, hi hi hi.... um yeah... hi yoda... ;p i want rep points... LoL
Holden is correct. I could modify it to detect the month and only go back the appropriate number of days, if it's particularly bugging ya'll the way it is.
I believe that's compiled from the last thirty days, not the actual calendar month. Same with the week numbers, counting the last seven days.
Fudge me, Usual Suspect cranked 150 rep points this month, 5 days!
Well, i'm sure it can be what you want. If i'm going to the bother if writing anything may as well do worthwhile amount, if not the stars suffice.
Dude, the rep blocks are back!

Awesome, Yoda.
I summed up a handful of them with one word, actually.

It's really just a quick view of what you thought, nothing more.
Yeh, some of mine range from long paragraphs to medium, couple are only sentences. Wondering if i can review every film i've seen.