The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by SpelingError
This forum is a lie. I want my money back!
I've been using it for free. Oops, maybe I shouldn't have admitted that.
10 minutes of trailer park boys and two shouts are all I got time for while wolfing down a turkey sandwich. Gotta keep loading the trailer before it's dark. Not gonna happen btw but I gotta say it. Fake positivity and all that.
"we just ate a whole meat animal!"
This forum is a lie. I want my money back!
Also, I noticed the box office isn’t up to date any longer. This is unacceptable!
*slams fist*
The only problem I've experienced with the mobile version is with the Reviews tab. I can't search for any movies there for some reason. I can only look at the recent reviews.
That exact text? I don't think so. There are a lot that fit that format though (colon-word-colon).

This kinda makes me wanna run a backend search on the post table to see how often it's appeared. If it appeared a bunch like 12 years ago that would kinda indicate it was once a thing...
Originally Posted by Yoda
The real power move here would be to make it work now and just make you look totally insane to anyone who reads it later.

The real real real power move would be to replace the phrase "INSERT A TONGUE FACE THERE" with a tongue face, too.
so are you saying that's never been a thing?
The real power move here would be to make it work now and just make you look totally insane to anyone who reads it later.

The real real real power move would be to replace the phrase "INSERT A TONGUE FACE THERE" with a tongue face, too.

THAT USED to work