The Shoutbox
In the words of Cartman...SWEEEEEET.

I tried to join, but I missed that damn 1+1 question.

I think I'll create a Tupac quiz
Originally Posted by BobbyB
What is this GoQuiz in your siggie, Yods?
Frickin' SPAM.
It's a site I'd been developing off and on for a very long time and just launched a few days ago.
What is this GoQuiz in your siggie, Yods?
Originally Posted by Austruck
Yoda, I can send back a copy of the specials for you if you haven't signed up for Sci-Fi Channel yet.... Just let me know. Making a copy takes minutes and virtually no effort.
Aye, that'd be great. I was going to DVR them, but ended up getting home too late. 'Twould be much appreciated.
I think I've found your problem...
Originally Posted by BobbyB
Maybe there's no girls to mack on because you use phrases like "There's no girls to mack on"
I don't say that, though. I just now said it. I usually say "to have anal pleasure with". Bu gosh darn it, no luck there either...
Maybe there's no girls to mack on because you use phrases like "There's no girls to mack on"

Just a thought...
Dammit, MoFo.

Of all nights, I'm home alone, and I'm single, and THERE'S NO GIRLS TO MACK ON!!!

And to top it off, American Splendor star Toby Radloff can't hang out with me either - he's gonna be too busy playing Monopoly tonight with some old friends of his at a coffee house.

Help me, MoFo. You're my only hope.
The Pac movies I've seen are Juice, Poetic Justice, Gridlock'd and that's it.

Gridlock'd was actually pretty good, Poetic Justice was bad, but Pac was good in it, and Juice was very 'meh' all the way around.
"Welcome home, convict! A very touching story, my hemorrhoids bleed for you."

Truly, the man can deliver lines.