The Shoutbox
Good morning, all!

So.... Have anyone heard anything about all the new "non lethal" weapons companies like Raytheon have been working on?

Stuff like:

ADS - Active Denial System - A directed energy beam weapon capable of focusing 130 degree heat at a person. The version they have spec'ed for domestic use is called Silent Guardian.

MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterent Using Silent Audio) - This device will be US military issue for "Crowd Control" and activities "other than war". I believe Sierra Nevada Corp. is working on that one.

And there's more!

I won't litter the 'box further, tho...
Originally Posted by Austruck
Gotta love As Good As It Gets, though. Just rewatched that this past Saturday night....
Originally Posted by Melvin Udall
Never, never, interrupt me, okay? Not if there's a fire, not even if you hear the sound of a thud from my home and one week later there's a smell coming from there that can only be a decaying human body and you have to hold a hanky to your face because the stench is so thick that you think you're going to faint. Even then, don't come knocking.
Thanks! I found an old shout of your's after I sent that PM. Your's is messed up too, now. I give!
I like your new avatar, PW!
Originally Posted by 脨猫st卯帽y
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
How do you like the new avatar? I haven't quite gotten used to it yet.
It sucks when it's in the shout-box.
I just found an old shout from Mrs. Darcy. Her's use to work just fine in here, but it doesn't anymoe. It's only been doing this for 3-4 days, around about. Oh well! I have no clue why they are now messing up. It's not any that I shrink, or crop. Just the ones that I make with Paint Shop Pro, and/or Animation Shop. It would be the avatars that take forever to make. Just my luck!
Gotta love As Good As It Gets, though. Just rewatched that this past Saturday night....
This medicine is seriously not my friend. It's time to launch . . .
Yeah, but it's watchable. I've not seen it in a long time, either.
God, I haven't seen The Wraith in years. It truly is a supremely stinky piece of cheese is it not?
Hmmm, I feel sick.
Yeah, I know, man. Your movie taste is worse than mine, and that's saying a lot.