The Shoutbox
Sleezy love your avatar! Pretty cool !
Hey there MoFos good morning to all!
Good morning, all!
Originally Posted by Used Future
I've just created a new Phoney Sequel game if anyone fancies playing.
It's good fun.
Originally Posted by Used Future
I've just created a new Phoney Sequel game if anyone fancies playing.
I'm dreadful with those. I'll let a few others get it going, before I dare to go.
I've just created a new Phoney Sequel game if anyone fancies playing.
Hopefully, I'm not the only one that's lost.
My grandmother had some sort of Pa. Dutch cast-iron plaque with that on it.

Then again, this is the same group of people that says, "Throw the cow over the fence some hay." So... there ya go.
Or, as the Pennsylvania Dutch put it: We get too soon oldt und too late schmart.