The Shoutbox
doo---do dobedee DO doooo
do dobe do DOOO doooo
dubby dah daaaaah!
i hate to think how Act III is gonna react when they introduce them to triangles
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Man, I love Korean folk.
I'm sure they like you too.
Man, I love Korean folk.
You get what you pay for .. garbage in is garbage out
Originally Posted by John McClane
i’d rather it had been unsweetened tea, tho
Like the joy found in spilling diet soda?
That begs the question... how fckng retardedly stupid is a tabloid employee, really?
when that happens... they call it a tabloid
When a painted rectangle is trying to fck you... the person who painted the rectangle is trying to use images that you like, hoping to wear your guard down and get the chance to shove it. But, no matter, after the 100,000th attempt, you are not fooled.... and you know the people in the images appropriated have nothing to do with it