The Shoutbox
All good. Just scary and bright! Can't cook anything now so we lost a turkey that had only cooked an hour before that. And a pot of chicken broth.
Yeah. The eye shorted and made an arc hot enough to burn a pencil sized hole in the large copper based pot I set to boil chicken broth.
Wait. Wut?
You ok???
The stove exploded. So there's that.
Go Pack go!
*sigh* Christmas Day and it's rained virtually non-stop
Bah homberg!
Originally Posted by ynwtf
The Green Knight. Maybe my new fave Christmas movie.
That’s brilliant
The Green Knight. Maybe my new fave Christmas movie.

Also, love the grid, DD.
Seeing as how the Shouter’s a completely separate section, an island outpost of sorts, I’ll share my juan true gift with all ye inhabitants here as well.

I hallucinated the Ghost of chypmas past was spreading his cheer.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Humbugs are more my speed.