Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
Good. I watched three musicals today. You might be surprised to know I like musicals. How was your day?
Hello, Allaby. How was your day?
Good evening.
Good evening my fellow film buffs. Hope everyone had a terrific day.
Originally Posted by SpelingError
I'm already on January 8th!
Summer sure went fast
It's basically Erroll Flynnsploitation
The Princess Bride was good. I can't hate it.
one world, and one dungeon left. i was on a roll today.
it’s probably just because the light is perfect
there’s something about sitting in a baking, hot car that makes me get better at Super Mario Bros. i don’t get it.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio

Not shooting on Super 8 = not interested
That's the link I'm using. I'd say it's fine, personally.