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Forum: Ongoing Tournaments & Brackets 6 hours ago
Replies: 64
MoFo Music League II
Posted By Torgo
That was me. That was the first song I heard by...

That was me. That was the first song I heard by them and I became a fan in seconds.

Coincidentally, I'm seeing them in concert tonight!
Forum: General Movie Discussion 7 hours ago
Replies: 10
Favorite opening scene in any movie
Posted By Torgo
"Hand me the idol, I'll throw you the...

"Hand me the idol, I'll throw you the whip!"
Forum: Games and Tabs 8 hours ago
Replies: 8,400
The Bakers Dozen Music Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 song titles that start with the word "in" ...

13 song titles that start with the word "in"

1. Elvis Presley - In The Ghetto
2. Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight
3. Tom Waits - In the Neighborhood
4. Pink Floyd - In the Flesh?/In the Flesh...
Forum: Movie Reviews 10 hours ago
Replies: 144
1990's Countdown Group Watch
Posted By Torgo
The Last Boy Scout - 3 I'm convinced that no...

The Last Boy Scout - 3

I'm convinced that no one is better than Shane Black at writing buddy relationships and quotable dialogue in action movies. Whether it's the first strip club scene or the...
Forum: Games and Tabs 11 hours ago
Replies: 2,351
The Actor .gif Game
Posted By Torgo

John Vernon in Animal House
Forum: Games and Tabs 11 hours ago
Replies: 8,400
The Bakers Dozen Music Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 Love Songs 1. George Strait - I Cross My...

13 Love Songs

1. George Strait - I Cross My Heart
2. The Pixies - La La Love You
3. Gary Barlow - Forever Love
4. Jim Croce - Time in a Bottle
5. U2 - Sweetest Thing
6. Suffocation - Entrails...
Forum: Games and Tabs 12 hours ago
Replies: 2,844
The Baker's Dozen TV Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 pics of TV characters eating or about to eat...

13 pics of TV characters eating or about to eat something

1. Hoss Cartwright - Bonanza
2. Earl of Grantham - Downtown Abbey
3. Yuzu Midorikawa - Kandagawa Jet Girls
4. Kirk and McCoy - Star...
Forum: Games and Tabs 2 days ago
Replies: 21,199
The Baker's Dozen Movie Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 movies with the word "island" in the title ...

13 movies with the word "island" in the title

1. The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996)
2. Treasure Island (1950)
3. Wake Island (1942)
4. Shutter Island (2010)
5. Islands in the Stream (1977)
Forum: Games and Tabs 2 days ago
Replies: 8,400
The Bakers Dozen Music Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 Songs with the words "Eagle" or "Chief" in the...

13 Songs with the words "Eagle" or "Chief" in the title

1. When the Eagle Flies - Traffic
2. Fly Like An Eagle - Steve Miller Band
3. On Eagle's Wings - Michael Joncas
4. White Eagle -...
Forum: Movie Reviews 2 days ago
Replies: 144
1990's Countdown Group Watch
Posted By Torgo
Friday night's a great night for football,...

Friday night's a great night for football, indeed. Good pick.
Forum: Ongoing Tournaments & Brackets 2 days ago
Replies: 64
MoFo Music League II
Posted By Torgo
Congrats Mr. Blond! Besides Wu-Tang Clan, my...

Congrats Mr. Blond!

Besides Wu-Tang Clan, my favorites from that round are Tea Party - one of my favorite discoveries from these contests - and Cynic. Surprised that didn't do better.
Forum: Ongoing Tournaments & Brackets 3 days ago
Replies: 270
34th Hall of Fame
Posted By Torgo
Yeah, those posters don't give you an idea what...

Yeah, those posters don't give you an idea what you're in for. Without spoiling it, I'd describe it as a sports drama that's not really about sports. Sports-adjacent, in other words. Enjoy!
Forum: Games and Tabs 3 days ago
Replies: 8,400
The Bakers Dozen Music Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 Songs with the words "television(tv)" or...

13 Songs with the words "television(tv)" or "movie" in the title

1. Papas Fritas - TV Movies
2. ZZ Top - TV Dinners
3. Black Sabbath - TV Crimes
4. Elton John - I've Seen That Movie Too
Forum: Ongoing Tournaments & Brackets 3 days ago
Replies: 64
MoFo Music League II
Posted By Torgo
Glad you like that one. Dirt is the band's...

Glad you like that one. Dirt is the band's masterpiece and one of the '90s' best albums if you ask me. I also considered picking Would? or Rooster, but every song on that album is good.

I really...
Forum: Games and Tabs 4 days ago
Replies: 8,400
The Bakers Dozen Music Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 songs with a cardinal direction (N, S, E, W)...

13 songs with a cardinal direction (N, S, E, W) in the title

1. Grateful Dead - West L.A. Fadeaway
2. Jerry Reed - East Bound and Down
3. Johnny Horton - North to Alaska
4. The Doobie...
Forum: Games and Tabs 4 days ago
Replies: 7,656
Movie Picture Association Game
Posted By Torgo
Forum: Games and Tabs 4 days ago
Replies: 8,400
The Bakers Dozen Music Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 songs with a gemstone or precious metal in the...

13 songs with a gemstone or precious metal in the title

1. Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond
2. BØRNS - 10,000 Emerald Pools
3. Sting - Fields of Gold
4. Area Code 615 - Ruby
Forum: Games and Tabs 5 days ago
Replies: 8,400
The Bakers Dozen Music Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 Songs That Have Rain Sounds in Them 1....

13 Songs That Have Rain Sounds in Them

1. The Who - Love, Reign O’er Me
2. The Doors - Riders on the Storm
3. A-ha - Crying in the Rain
4. The Cascades - Rhythm of the Falling Rain
5. Gene...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 5 days ago
Replies: 2
Poll: Best Acting Performance in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Posted By Torgo
Unpopular opinion, maybe, but I'm going with...

Unpopular opinion, maybe, but I'm going with Boreanaz. Not to take away from his acting as Angel, which is great, but he really took it up a notch in season 2 when he became Angelus. A downright...
Forum: Games and Tabs 5 days ago
Replies: 2,351
The Actor .gif Game
Posted By Torgo ...

John Goodman in 10 Cloverfield Lane
Forum: Games and Tabs 5 days ago
Replies: 1,242
The Baker's Dozen Anything Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 Favorite Super Bowls 1. XVII, Redskins 27...

13 Favorite Super Bowls

1. XVII, Redskins 27 - Dolphins 17
2. III, Jets 16 - Colts 7
3. XLIII - Steelers 27 - Cardinals 23
4. LII, Eagles 41 - Pats 33
5. XIV, Steelers 31 - Rams 19
6. XXXI,...
Forum: Games and Tabs 5 days ago
Replies: 8,400
The Bakers Dozen Music Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 two word song titles - titles begin with...

13 two word song titles - titles begin with letters N to Z

1. No Scrubs - TLC
2. Original Prankster - The Offspring
Forum: Ongoing Tournaments & Brackets 5 days ago
Replies: 64
MoFo Music League II
Posted By Torgo
Haha, you caught me! You've gotta read Geddy...

Haha, you caught me!

You've gotta read Geddy Lee's memoirs, My Effin' Life, which I loved. I recommend the audio book because Geddy Lee narrates it. Alex even pops in from time to time.
Forum: Games and Tabs 5 days ago
Replies: 2,844
The Baker's Dozen TV Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 TV series NOT set in New York or California ...

13 TV series NOT set in New York or California

1. The Mary Tyler Moore Show - Minneapolis
2. Happy Days - Milwaukee
3. King of the Hill - Texas
4. Cheers - Boston
5. The Drew Carey Show - Ohio...
Forum: Games and Tabs 5 days ago
Replies: 21,199
The Baker's Dozen Movie Game Thread
Posted By Torgo
13 scenes of Leonardo DiCaprio freaking out...

13 scenes of Leonardo DiCaprio freaking out and/or getting intensely emotional (Include year of release, scene description, scene)

1. Don't Look Up (2021) - getting angry on TV
2. Once Upon a...