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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Replies: 97
The Bear
Posted By AKA23
Re: The Bear

I would agree that the Bear does successfully depict a stressful, high pressure environment very well and it is exhausting to watch, which both of our commenters here have mentioned. Is this the only...
Replies: 97
The Bear
Posted By AKA23
Re: The Bear

Tongo, this is a very informative response. One of the things I dislike most about it is how much yelling and screaming, tension, and conflict is depicted in the show. What I'm hearing from you is...
Replies: 97
The Bear
Posted By AKA23
Re: The Bear

I like this show overall, but I have to confess, I do find it to be wildly overpraised and over awarded. In two seasons of the Emmys, it's gotten 36 Emmy nominations and 10 wins. I'm wondering, for...
Replies: 97
The Bear
Posted By AKA23
Re: The Bear

Just finished Season 3. In my opinion, it was the worst season by far. I enjoyed Seasons 1 and 2, but didn't really enjoy this one. I understand that it is a set up for what may be the final season,...
Replies: 97
The Bear
Posted By AKA23
Re: The Bear

I have not read through the posts commenting on Season 3, since I want to avoid spoilers, but I'm halfway through it now and it feels narratively inert to me. I don't see the stories moving the plot...