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Forum: The Television & Music Forum 2 days ago
Replies: 11
Were you a SCTV fan??
Posted By Austruck
Re: Were you a SCTV fan??

Here's Count Floyd's introduction to Bloodsucking Monkeys from West Mifflin, Pennsylvania! He mentions Sewickley, too, a few miles from me. :)

Forum: The Television & Music Forum 2 days ago
Replies: 11
Were you a SCTV fan??
Posted By Austruck
Re: Were you a SCTV fan??

Oh yay! Wikipedia's article on Bill Cardille (Chilly Billy) states that Flaherty did have Chilly Billy in mind for Count Floyd:

"Joe Flaherty, a Pittsburgh native, acknowledges this show as an...
Forum: The Television & Music Forum 2 days ago
Replies: 11
Were you a SCTV fan??
Posted By Austruck
SAME. And of course, the late Joe Flaherty was...

SAME. And of course, the late Joe Flaherty was from Pittsburgh, so we here in da 'Burgh had even more reason to appreciate SCTV. I always wondered if his Count Floyd was an homage to Pittsburgh's own...
Replies: 28
What was your best and worst subjects in school?
Posted By Austruck
Boredom in school could be the fault of the...

Boredom in school could be the fault of the teachers, for sure. But it could also signal that the content/material was just not stimulating enough for you.
Replies: 28
What was your best and worst subjects in school?
Posted By Austruck
Re: What was your best and worst subjects in school?

Best: English classes
Worst: Science classes

If I didn't see a need to put in a lot of time for an assignment in any class (even ones I enjoyed), and I could still get an A (or perhaps a B,...
Replies: 28
What was your best and worst subjects in school?
Posted By Austruck
You probably remember that, once you were back to...

You probably remember that, once you were back to homeschooling that next year, the school principal called me up and ASKED me to let you come back because you pulled up the school's averages in...
Replies: 2,424
Posted By Austruck
That's fabulous! Mavis and I sat in her...

That's fabulous!

Mavis and I sat in her playpen just now. She dashed around my feet and legs and wasn't quite sure what she thought of it, but she's really good about me holding her and giving her...
Replies: 2,424
Posted By Austruck
Re: Pets

Oops, everyone! Sorry my little furry potato, Mavis, kinda took over this thread accidentally. She sincerely apologizes and won't let it happen again if you send kale and leaf lettuce ASAP. ;)
Replies: 27
Do you still have a home phone?
Posted By Austruck
:D :D I've done both. Depends on the...

:D :D

I've done both. Depends on the project and where in the house it's occurring. :D
Replies: 2,424
Posted By Austruck
I'm also mostly self-taught (been typing since...

I'm also mostly self-taught (been typing since age 10 when I got my first typewriter), but I also took Typing in ninth grade and had to learn better positioning of hands on the keyboard. Wish we'd...
Replies: 27
Do you still have a home phone?
Posted By Austruck
I don't know if this is just an engineer-brain...

I don't know if this is just an engineer-brain thing or not, but my husband has a way of making every project bigger and more complex than it needs to be. :D
Replies: 2,424
Posted By Austruck
Yay! Somebody understands the reference! :) ...

Yay! Somebody understands the reference! :)

My kids learned to type using Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing (including our Yoda, who is the fastest accurate typist I've ever seen). And, of course, as a...
Replies: 2,424
Posted By Austruck
New potato at my house! Haven't had a pet these...

New potato at my house! Haven't had a pet these past few years while dealing with my mom's health issues (and eventual passing) and the chaos of our house repairs/restoration. Found this little cutie...
Replies: 27
Do you still have a home phone?
Posted By Austruck
SAME. I think I even know more about some aspects...

SAME. I think I even know more about some aspects of my computer than he does. I upgrade all the inner parts myself now. It was way more frustrating to ask him to help me. :D
Replies: 60
No-Spend February - Part Deux!
Posted By Austruck
Better picture of the little potato in her new...

Better picture of the little potato in her new digs at my house. She's settling in really well.

Replies: 60
No-Spend February - Part Deux!
Posted By Austruck
Pfft, I've had guinea pigs since 2005. It's all...

Pfft, I've had guinea pigs since 2005. It's all good.
Replies: 27
Do you still have a home phone?
Posted By Austruck
This is what I keep telling Wayne. Cable TV...

This is what I keep telling Wayne. Cable TV packages that include nearly all the premium channels just bleed money every month! Better to pick and choose premium channels based on when favorite...
Replies: 27
Do you still have a home phone?
Posted By Austruck
You're not missing anything. :D That, and a cable...

You're not missing anything. :D That, and a cable TV package. (Still trying to talk Wayne into letting go of cable TV in favor of a la carte streaming services and channels. He watches the same 3-4...
Replies: 60
No-Spend February - Part Deux!
Posted By Austruck
Oh, sorry, yes! Kinda a weird way they're holding...

Oh, sorry, yes! Kinda a weird way they're holding her, but yes, Mavis Beacon is indeed a guinea pig. She's pretty chill and likes to be held (especially if you're feeding her lettuce at the time),...
Replies: 27
Do you still have a home phone?
Posted By Austruck
Re: Do you still have a home phone?

When we got rid of Comcast Voice as part of our triple package (TV, internet, landline), we were already Xfinity Mobile customers for our cell phones. We're allowed to have 5 lines/numbers, so we...
Replies: 60
No-Spend February - Part Deux!
Posted By Austruck
Yesterday I donated $50 to an animal rescue in...

Yesterday I donated $50 to an animal rescue in Ohio... They called it an adoption fee (of $20) but I added $30 because they run entirely on donations and it's a fabulous shelter.

In exchange for...
Replies: 60
No-Spend February - Part Deux!
Posted By Austruck
As long as "NSF" can also stand for...

As long as "NSF" can also stand for "Non-Sufficient Funds," it's good here. :D
Replies: 19,108
The Videogames Tab
Posted By Austruck
I've only played Stardew Valley on my PC via...

I've only played Stardew Valley on my PC via Steam. :)
Replies: 19,108
The Videogames Tab
Posted By Austruck
Accurate. 104722


Replies: 60
No-Spend February - Part Deux!
Posted By Austruck
Re: No-Spend February - Part Deux!

Ya know, I find it interesting that this is happening in February... with Valentine's Day smack dab in the middle of the month. Are you trying to get out of courting your missus, Seds? :D

Also, I...