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Forum: Ongoing Tournaments & Brackets 4 weeks ago
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
I only watched one of the noms because you all...

I only watched one of the noms because you all picked such crap films:p But if I had watched them all I bet Robot Monster would be my favorite of the bunch, so last on my ballot! But that's not a bad...
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
My computer would freeze on just about every...

My computer would freeze on just about every movie I ever tried to stream...because of a combination of an ancient hamster powered computer and internet provided by two tin cans and a string:eek:
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
Does the movie freeze on your tv? Sometimes one...

Does the movie freeze on your tv? Sometimes one device will work with a movie copy where another will freeze.
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
Raul can you watch movies at home on your TV?

Raul can you watch movies at home on your TV?
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
Leap (2010) This one kicked my ass, right...

Leap (2010)

This one kicked my ass, right to the curb. I'm not a member of this HoF but wanted to watch as many as I could...well I could not finish this movie! I made it 20 minutes until they...
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
100062 Therisienstadt (1944) ...

Therisienstadt (1944)

Originally a 90 minute Nazi propaganda film made at the end of the war, we now only have 26 minutes of it. I can only guess what the missing scenes were like. I...
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
I have an idea, hang on...

I have an idea, hang on...
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
I don't consider that site as a pirate site. It's...

I don't consider that site as a pirate site. It's Russia's biggest social media site, like YouTube. And like YouTube there are movies there. The Russian copyright laws are more laxed than YouTubes,...
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
Raul and I might not be official members but we...

Raul and I might not be official members but we did each write a review of Robot Monster bringing the total to nine.
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
Thanks Beelzebubble for the invite:) I'll try to...

Thanks Beelzebubble for the invite:) I'll try to watch all the movies but I'm not sure I can and I wouldn't want to disappoint anyone by not finishing. Though I do have a doozy for a crummy crappy...
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
Thanks Speling, no doubt your nom is the bomb of...

Thanks Speling, no doubt your nom is the bomb of bombs!:p
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
You'd have to ask Beelzebubble she's in charge of...

You'd have to ask Beelzebubble she's in charge of this ship and doing a find job I might add.:)
Replies: 612
THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again
Posted By Citizen Rules
Re: THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again

I like the idea of presenting one movie nom a week to be watched by the members before the next nom is up. I'll keep my eye on how that goes, I might try that in the 34th HoF, depending on how it...