Oscar Picks

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Showing results 1 to 25 of 31
Replies: 16
What's your favorite Game of Thrones character?
Posted By etai
What's your favorite Game of Thrones character?

Whats your favorite GOT Character? mine is in the picture;) <---
Forum: Movie Questions 07-19-17
Replies: 8
Unanswered:  Movie about psychiatric girl
Posted By etai
Re: Movie about psychiatric girl

in The Unborn (http://casualient.com/10Mt) there is alot of scenes with a woman in psychatric hospital maybe this is it. alot of shots with long empty hallways. but not all the movie takes place...
Replies: 6
Is it true?
Posted By etai
exectly thats way I was thinking they gonna wrap...

exectly thats way I was thinking they gonna wrap it up
Replies: 6
Is it true?
Posted By etai
Is it true?

guys is it true that this season of GOT is the last one? :(:(

If you guys say yes im gonna kill myself so watch it! ;)
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Replies: 60
Any good horror movie you guys recommend?
Posted By etai
Any good horror movie you guys recommend?

Im trying to find some horror movie to watch tonight, what do you recommend?
I like movies like In an isolated cabin in the woods or a small town, you know the type...

Replies: 5,139
Things that annoy you...
Posted By etai

Replies: 999
Posted By etai
Re: News

LOL the queen younger then I thought.
Replies: 5,139
Things that annoy you...
Posted By etai
Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread

that my girlfriend talking all the time, even now when im writing this, I swear!
Replies: 44
What personal superstition you have ?
Posted By etai
Re: What personal superstition you have ?

can't see a shoe flipped over, I can ran accrose the street to flip it back.
Replies: 219
Can I please just get this out - drug addiction is NOT A DISEASE!
Posted By etai
Re: Can I please just get this out - drug addiction is NOT A DISEASE!

never thought of it like that.
always called them sick, but you are right.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Replies: 67
How often do you watch a film?
Posted By etai
Re: How often do you watch a film?

almost every day. love watching movies at night.
if you mean in the cinema than not alot actualy
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 07-19-17
Replies: 570
Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Posted By etai
for me she's on the fence, dont like her but dont...

for me she's on the fence, dont like her but dont care if she's in a movie, dont really hate her too.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Replies: 87
Why do we care so much about what's overrated?
Posted By etai
ohhh man, I need to think twice now ;)

ohhh man, I need to think twice now ;)
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Replies: 87
Why do we care so much about what's overrated?
Posted By etai
My girlfriend watch all the reality shows thats...

My girlfriend watch all the reality shows thats on, 90% of our fight its on that. I cant stand it, it drives me nuts
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Replies: 87
Why do we care so much about what's overrated?
Posted By etai
No! if someone is enjoying reality TV its not...

No! if someone is enjoying reality TV its not "fine", they need help! you selfish! ;):D
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 07-19-17
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Replies: 87
Why do we care so much about what's overrated?
Posted By etai
Re: Why do we care so much about what's overrated?

most of the time I dont care, but if a movie is a real piece of s*** and everyone talking about it like its a masterpiece, I get a swollen vein. :mad:
Forum: Movie Questions 07-19-17
Replies: 4
Unanswered:  What's the movie where a woman in her car and turns on rap music?
Posted By etai
LOL. yea I've seen that one too!

LOL. yea I've seen that one too!
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Replies: 30
Bollywood movies
Posted By etai
Re: Bollywood movies

no! just so you know in israel in the 80's indian movies was the biggest hit! my mom still watch bollywood movies everyday! we even got a special channel for it here called "HOT Bollywood" 24/7 of...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Replies: 150
Your top 10 movies of 2016?
Posted By etai
Re: Your top 10 movies of 2016?

wow, so many people ranking captain america as first? I liked it too but the best of 2016? :eek:
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Replies: 86,026
Rate The Last Movie You Saw
Posted By etai
what kind of man is there in the uk that you need...

what kind of man is there in the uk that you need to stay home and clean all day? ;)
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Replies: 86,026
Rate The Last Movie You Saw
Posted By etai
wow, someone is Bitter...

wow, someone is Bitter...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Replies: 165
Why do some of you just quit watching a Movie?
Posted By etai
Re: Why do some of you just quit watching a Movie?

I mean, if its not interesting to you why keep watching it?
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-19-17
Replies: 86,026
Rate The Last Movie You Saw
Posted By etai
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Saw

rating: took freaking 2 hrs of my life.
hate romance movies, dont get marrie guys!